2017/04/05 2020/04/18 2015/10/21 2020/07/05 2020/06/07
2019/05/02 Manjaro Linux LXQt-18.0.4 非公式日本語 (x86_64) ISO イメージ (約 1.5GB) インストール方法 ダウンロードしたisoイメージを、適切なソフトウェアでDVDディスク、USBメモリ等に書き込みます。 The Ubuntu Studio ISO is a live image, which means you can boot it and use all the default applications without actually installing it. Just burn a DVD, or create a bootable USB stick and try it out. Boot from DVD Download thehere. 2017/04/05 2020/04/18 2015/10/21
An ISO file contains all files Manjaro needs to start an installation compressed into a handy file, which you can then use to make a DVD or USB-Stick that can be run by your computer. This file can be directly used by a virtual machine if you don’t want to try out Manjaro on your actual computer, yet.
Thank you for your interest in Tails. Installing Tails can be quite long but we hope you will still have a good time :) We will first ask you a few questions to choose your installation scenario and then guide you step by step.