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Nearly everyone is familiar with holograms--three-dimensional images projected into space with the aid of a laser. Two of the world's most eminent thinkers believe that the universe itself may be a giant hologram, quite literally a kind of image or construct created, at least in part, by the human mind. University of London physicist David … The Holographic Universe.pdf File Name: The Holographic Universe.pdf Size: 30.23 MB Uploaded: 2017-03-8 07:10:10 Status: AVAILABLE Last checked: 59 Minutes ago! Rating: 97 out of 100 based on 14351 Join our eBook 2016/02/09 ホログラフィック原理(ホログラフィックげんり、holographic principle)は、空間の体積の記述はある領域の境界、特に みかけの地平面 (英語版) のような光的境界の上に符号化されていると見なすことができるという量子重力および弦理論の性質である。 users.unitz.ca 2019/12/28 Format : PDF, ePub, Mobi Download : 168 Read : 702 Download eBook Finally, here is the breakthrough work that solve the mystery of UFOs and paranormal phenomena. After more than a half century of investigation, ric Julien

"Awake-up call to wonder, an adventure in ideas." —Larry Dossey,M.D., author of Space, Time & Medicine Now witha new foreword by Lynn McTaggart, author of TheField, Michael Talbot’s classic treatise on the latest frontiers of physicsreveals a revolutionary theory of reality, explaining the paranormal abilitiesof the mind, the unsolved riddles of …

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